simplesilver™ is a combination of naturally occurring, environmentally friendly minerals and a very small amount of silver oxide.
Placed in your spa pool, the simplesilver™ tablet automatically releases its minerals into the water, balancing the water, removing contaminants, limiting the formation of scale and corrosion, while inhibiting growth of bacteria.
simplesilver™ automatically controls the waters pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, scale, corrosion and bacteria and no other products are required.
Since 2003, simplesilver™ has been assessed by AsureQuality for safety & efficacy as a spa pool water treatment solution. simplesilver™ must be used in accordance with our website instructions.
Every 1500 litres of water requires 500 grams of simplesilver™. simplesilver™ comes in 500gm and 1kg tablets.
simplesilver™ is packaged in a rigid plastic container for ease of use. Dimensions - Length 22cm x Width 18cm x Depth 6cm.
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